See/read them here…
About time…
“Pay or okay” is illegal, thanks to noyb. Also, Fitbit has some “take it or leave it” which goes strongly against our GDPA.
Btw: other sites like “Der Spiegel” or “Zeit Online” have the same illegal entry like Heise. They should all be sued imo. See here for example:

Like I wrote in the headline: that’s about time. And I also filed the same complaint with Mrs. Margrethe Vestager from the EU parliament.
As always, thanks for reading.
Nothing to Hide
If you’re reading this blog regularly, you might have asked yourselves why all the thoughts about security, privacy, freedom, and so on lately? And you might be one of those who say “I have nothing to hide”. Well…
This one is a must see. It helps if you understand English, French, and German at least a bit, but even if you don’t, watch it to the end:
This comes from the PeerTube, and it promotes those free and decentralised services, and for good reason as you will hear. So please do yourself and us all a favour and stop using Facebook, Whatsapp, and all of that – and replace it with something like Signal or even better, XMPP. We will all profit from it.
Oh, and in case you have an old Android phone which isn’t supported with regular updates anymore, try DivestOS. And if you have a new one from Google, try GrapheneOS (or else, DivestOS again). Sure you can’t live without that intrusive Play Store? Have a look at F-Droid instead. Or are you using Apple instead? Maybe think again… and please start encrypting. You can at least do that even if you stay with a standard Google or Samsung or Apple device.
As always, thanks for reading, and for viewing.
A ‘Thank You!’ to BigBrotherAwards
Have you ever visited their site? Maybe you should…
I just read the BigBrotherAward 2019 in der Kategorie Verbraucherschutz (in German) which went to Zeit Online for their paywall which basically lets you choose to either pay with money or with your data – something that 75% of all online news magazines seem to do now as the article and speech said.
And yes, I’ve seen the same paywall at or – and no, that *is* not acceptable. If you click “yes, go on”, the heise guys for instance will send your data to >200 “partner” sites all over the globe – so I just asked a member of the EU commission if we can’t stop these practices, for instance with forcing them to add the option “yes to ads, but no to tracking”.
Maybe we should all say “no” instead, and boycott these data tracking sites? If they’d all lose their readers like the British “Times” which lost over 90% of their audience when using similar techniques, then maybe that would stop them… according to Wikipedia (search for something like “Paywall”), some US news magazines are already taking these trackers off…
Thanks to digitalcourage, DVD, ILMR, and CCC for supporting these BigBrotherAwards!
And to you, like always, thanks for reading.
Upcoming: first images from JWST (the new ‘eye in the sky’)
Expected to start this evening (or afternoon in the US), found via The Verge. See also on Youtube, or at the NASA website. Or on Dailymotion.
Signed this…

After reading about “Der Appell” in the online version of Tagesschau, I signed it. Please see “HET BOЙHE – No to War! | Der Appell” in English and/or in German. In my opinion, each weapon is one too many. Thank you.
Feeling blue & yellow
Кремль: Прекратить войну
Кремль: Прекратить войну
As always, thanks for viewing.
P.S., from Sunday March 20th, 2022: here are some good thoughts on the matter…
What to wear
Wear FFP2 or KN95 masks. German conclusion in Tagesschau about it, original research from Max-Planck-Institute, see also this American study. You’re welcome, and thanks for protecting yourself as well as others.
For a colleague, or: without further comment…
Do me and us all a favour, and read this… and thanks to Kirk, and to his friend the doc…
Auf Deutsch: Corona und Freiheitsrechte
Direktor des Bonifatiushauses Fulda Gunter Geiger im Gespräch mit Dr. Patrick Liesching, Leitender Oberstaatsanwalt der Staatsanwaltschaft Fulda:
Das Video ist am 8 May 2020 hochgeladen worden, also bitte nicht wundern wenn manche Aussage nicht ganz aktuell klingt.
Wie immer: vielen Dank für’s Lesen und für’s Zuschauen.