Read it here. And FCKNZS…
Bella, purring
Thanks for listening 🙂
Important in case you have older Android devices (we do)
There goes the security on our old Nexus 10 tablet for instance… sigh…
Wise men… (good one)
Today I’ve read an interesting thread about iPhones in a musician’s board, and much of it reminded me of the time when my last employer bought us all iPhones (SE 2020), just in case the internet would be down (that was during the pandemic).
One comment was:
“Kluge Menschen kaufen Apple Aktien statt Apple Geräte.“
which, translated by myself, means as much as:
“Wise men buy Apple shares instead of Apple devices.”
I had to smile a bit, but then I found this TechCrunch article, where someone calculated it (or rather, had it calculated with the use of ChatGPT).
Turns out that if you had bought Apple shares in the amount of what each consecutive Apple iPhone would have cost you, today you would have $147,000. Plus you would have done something good for Mother Nature… See also: here… 😉
Like always, thanks for reading.
A first portrait of Bella
Took this on the first day, some 5 and a half hours after she arrived at our home, in Zuleikha’s room. Cropped it into a 4:5 aspect ratio:
As always, thanks for viewing.
Bella’s first day (or almost two) with us
Our new little family member has arrived safe & sound, eats well, and is a real explorer. This is her after her first night with us, yesterday morning:
In yesterday’s late afternoon, Mitchie was out to work, and Zuleikha out to driving school:
And I took this one this morning with my phone, corrected the white balance with The Gimp on Linux:
Waiting on a cat tree which we ordered for her… and like always, thanks for viewing, and for reading.
Update: here are three more photos from today, short before lunch. And as you can see on the second of them, she not only has a chip but also a tattoo in her left ear…
Again, thanks for viewing.
Meet Bella…
Say hello to our newest member of the family:
Photo taken by Zuleikha, in our car, while we were shopping for cat food & stuff… like always, thanks for viewing.
Free Speech
What a nice closing song for this year’s IOMTT
By Kylie Odetta & friends…
A cool toot…
Just found this in the Fediverse:

Good one, isn’t it? 🙂 From Sundae_Gurl who wrote “It’s Friday, Bitches!” 🙂 Couldn’t embed the post here, so go see the original…