Maiden in the glade

Here’s a short but sweet swinging tune from Andy (Stratcat77), Peter (Pewi), Devin (moonchild), and now also from me (wjl):

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That was a fun one. Click on its number if you want to go to Wikiloops to hear more. Thanks for listening.

Worldwide Disco on

Wikiloops recently turned 7 years old – in fact today it’s exactly 7 years and 1 month since Richard created it (and thanks again for doing that, man!).

And to celebrate that a bit, we’ve decided to put together some band-like projects, film ourselves while playing, and to put these together to videos. And today was the premiere of the first one, the disco group / band / project.

So please meet:

  • Vocals: Aleonz, Indonesia
  • Drums: mpointon, England
  • Bass: Alex Sarikov, Russia
  • Guitar: Tofzegrit, France, and – last not least
  • Keys: Marceys, Netherlands

I’m happy and proud that I was also invited into one of these, so there will be more videos to follow when they are done.

Thanks for watching. And if you are a musician as well – come and join us jamming at Wikiloops!

Warren Huart about mixing

Another set of ten useful quick tips from Warren Huart:

Of course you don’t really need all of his plugins, or his Mac and ProTools setup – Ardour and some free tools will do as nicely. Like he says, use these tools wisely and sparingly (a dB or two can make a big difference) – and create your own signature sound.

Recommended viewing for music/video and other content producers.

Ton parfum

This is me jamming with some French friends on Wikiloops. Loved their little piece, so I laid a bit of bass under it:

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Thanks for listening. Hope you enjoyed it.

One of Ray’s videos – and I’m included…

On March 19th of this year, StJray from Canada uploaded these harmonic notes from his guitar, and asked people to join and play around with them:

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And now, some 5 weeks and a few days later, this has:

  • 77 Remixes
  • 825 Thumbs up, and was
  • played 9,497 times

I included it as the last track on my “Collaborations” album, and others made so many great things with it. Just listen to Ray’s video to get an idea where this went already:

I bet that after not even 6 weeks, this isn’t the end but just the beginning of it. How cool…

Thanks for reading, viewing, and listening.

Reason to live (Shout it out) Remix

I asked Shi if she would mind me doing a little remix of her voice. Nothing much, just a little eq and exciter to give her sibilants that small extra sparkle which her voice deserves, without overdoing it of course. Hope you all like it as I do. Thanks Shi for your wonderful contribution to this. And thanks again to Tom (Cody Tripp) for the great template – it’s a work of perfection in itself.

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Thanks for listening!

Reason to live (CT bass by wjl)

In late November of 2016, Tom (Username Cody Tripp) put a really nice reggae template onto Wikiloops. And later he added another version, where he took out the bass, so others could play one.

And this is what I did today. I tried different things first, but in the end I played more or less exactly what Cody (Tom) had played himself. So my bass on his template sounds like this:

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So why did I go and upload what he had done before? First, because even if we try to play like someone else, we still sound differently. And second, listen to what Moonchild (Devin) had made out of his version already:

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I already told her 2 days ago that this is by far the most positive song I’ve heard on the loops until now.

So maybe the reason for me to play something very close to Tom’s original bass line was that I wanted to find out if I could be a session musician for Moonchild? Well maybe 😉

Anyway – I love her song and its positive attitude.

Thanks for reading and for listening.

Update, from the next morning:

A guitar player who names himself “BuzzBomber” made a remix of my track already, jamming along with his guitar over Tom’s sunny little theme. Here it is:

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Thanks again for reading and for listening.

And another update, from Sunday evening (German summer time):

Shi has sung on the same track where I (re)played Tom’s bass:

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So now it’s this constellation of musicians:

Love this. Thanks again to everyone!


After compiling and publishing my first “cool cats” album on Wikiloops this morning, people liked it but said I should as well make something which includes myself. Ok, here you go – this contains my collaborations since joining the loops in February, short before my birthday:

And just like with the previous one, clicking on the image will lead you to the album’s page on Wikiloops, where you can listen to it or even download it.

Edit: here’s the CD cover and inlet:



Thanks to all the other musicians involved here.


The game of harmonic notes

Tried to achieve a bit of a medieval touch here. I come in very late, at around the 2:58 minute mark – the rest was more or less mixing and matching other tracks (of parallel branches further down below mine):

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So the image of musicians would be incomplete here – it would be missing Jypeka on his violin, and Caroljoice on her celtic harp. I have a screenshot from Ardour in Flickr, showing all the tracks I used:

The game of harmonic notes, in Ardour 5 (on Linux)



Yesterday evening when I returned home, had eaten and played with my family a bit, I sat down with Wikiloops again, and I discovered a really nice new upload from davidaustin, a guitar player from England. So I took my bass and played along, then hit the record button and took this in one take:

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Just David and me, so far. But overnight while I was sleeping, Jim (GemmyF), a singer and also a guitar player from the USA with whom I had chatted the evening before added some tracks and remixed the whole thing. To this:

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So now it’s us three, with 4 uploads so far. I’m curious how this will develop, and which other branches might be split off at certain points – see my previous post about this. This is the nice thing about Wikiloops – take whatever suits you, and add something new. It’s a game of give & take, as someone sung long ago… 😉

Thanks for reading, and/or for listening.