The official Wikiloops “Member meeting 2024 report” is out

Richard, founder of Wikiloops and host of the 2024 members’ meeting just wrote his official report about the meeting which took place last month, and to which I also attended. Read, see, and hear all about it on Wikiloops. You can also watch the videos on Youtube, and/or see the photos in Diana’s gallery. Here are two of these photos:

Some of the attendees who were either late or had left the day before already had to be “‘shopped”, as they say, into the picture – you probably see it because of the very different lighting on some of the faces.

The videos have very different maximum resolutions sadly, from 480p to 1080p, and for my taste I’m a bit over-represented in the first one, the second one shows me playing a tune from a lead sheet which I hadn’t seen ever before, so excuse my uncertainty at some times (for instance on when the outro was about to start, couldn’t exactly read this). Oh, and before you ask: no; playing from lead sheet or from notation isn’t what’s representative of the “normal” jamming – but I’m always glad if people put up the chords to their songs anyway. And I love playing OliVBee‘s songs. And the ones from Moonchild of course 🙂

Anyway, enjoy, and like always, thanks for viewing and for reading.

It ended, somehow…

This is what I wrote in the song description on Wikiloops:

“I’ve been at the Wikiloops meeting 2024, woohoo! But like all good things in life, it had to end, somehow – and that reminded me that I wanted to play on this awesome track of Isa and Devin. And since both my upright and myself aren’t really up to the task right now, I had to take the fretless instead to noodle around on this a bit. Thanks to Isa & Devin, and I hope you’ll like it…”

So here is it:

This track is embedded with the friendly permission by the creatives on

And like always, thanks for listening, and for reading. If you’re a musician, consider to join us and to play with us.

Muchas gracias, Xavi!

Wikiloops member ivax just created a new album on which he included a remix of a track which also involved me. Listen:

This track is embedded with the friendly permission by the creatives on

So gracias Xavi, and thanks to you for listening.

Anne sings “My cat likes walks”

Got a wonderful remix on the ‘loops lately. Hear Lady Anne singing the Blues on a track from Don_T, peatric, and myself:

This track is embedded with the friendly permission by the creatives on

Thanks dear Anne – and thanks to everyone for listening.

One of my favourites

Olivia (OKO) posted this on Soundcloud a while ago, just found it there. We have so many good bass players on Wikiloops, so I feel quite honoured that she chose the version with me on my upright bass:

Pieces by OKO and frineds, lyrics by Eyeless, also on Wikiloops where it originated

Thanks Olivia and friends, what a pleasure to jam with you all 🙂 <3

The Herring King Band – Second Album

Yesterday the second album from the Herring King Band was released:

I had the great honour and pleasure to play my bass on some of the tracks, but all others are so great – if you like to hear Herbie’s story, please head over to the album page on Wikiloops to hear and/or download it 🙂

Thanks to my friends for inviting me, I’m humbled by all of *your* performances!

And thanks to you for reading, and for listening, or even downloading.

P.S.: the band also asked to send out their Christmas greetings – so here you go:

Merry Christmas, on behalf of the Mermaid, all Herrings, and their King 🙂

Some two years ago: Pieces – Oliv’s mix, remastered

Just pointed an interested musician to a song which I accompanied in August of 2020. In retrospect, I should have pointed her to Monsieur OliVBee’s remix which sounded much better than mine, and which I later “remastered” for an album like this:
Pieces – Oliv’s mix, remastered

I recorded this some 11 days after buying my used Christopher DB202T upright bass, here’s a photo of it, also from Wikiloops:

At the time when I recorded this, that instrument had Presto Nylonwould Ultralight strings which are very nice Nylon-based strings – they sound great but aren’t the best for bowing, so I later replaced them with Thomastik Spirocore Weich strings.

Time to pick up that big bass fiddle again, and to play some more tunes… 🙂

Like always, thanks for reading, viewing, and/or listening.

Sad news indeed…

Terrible to read about the passing of Don T., one of the bluesiest guys I’ve ever heard on Wikiloops… he was a good friend and once even wrote a song for me. I had the honour and pleasure to play on his latest song in the ‘loops and asked him with a PM whether he would also consider to sing on it, no answers so I was thinking of him. So here you have it with a lead guitar from Carlo instead of Don singing:

This track is embedded with the friendly permission by the creatives on

Condolences to Don’s family, he truly was a wonderful guy! Rest in peace my friend…

Screenshot annotations in Linux

I’m helping out Richard with the Wikiloops project a bit, and sometimes like in every other bug report system, you need screenshots. No problem, in Linux (I use the Gnome desktop, mostly), it’s just a keystroke or two away. But how to annotate?

Like this:


I found Ksnip in an article on LinuxLinks via LXer. Very useful as you can see… problem solved.

And like always, thanks for reading.