Fake a smile

This one caught me right in my tracks, and the topic reminded me of old Sir Charles Chaplin and his “Smile”. Perfect and somewhat difficult chromatic template from Ray (Canada), lovely lyrics and vocals from Devin, a Soprano from Fish, and those White Drums (all USA) – I was hooked. So here’s my take on it, hope you like it:

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Thanks for listening.

Funky Duck, GxQuack, and Dr. Duck

I saw this “Funky Duck” title in Wikiloops, and of course I was reminded of the same title used by Vulfpeck. But the original upload from DaFunkyDrummer, and the added bass from Woodstock had nothing to do with that.

Lots of space for other musicians in this one, I thought, and because I liked the groove and what was there very much already, I decided to download and to play around with it for a bit.

In the end, I used effects from Guitarix in a Carla Rack host in my Ardour DAW, namely the plugins/pedals GxQuack, and GxHyperion. Looks like this on my screen:


And that sounds like this (the higher-pitched, and more distorted second bass is mine):

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And I got remixed already, by Pit Brett who added his guitar and harp in just one upload. Thanks Pit! Now this – his – version sounds like this:

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Very nice. There was another download already, so I’m eager to see what will probably be coming. My suggestion was some kind of “bass fest” (there is a very good one already in the loops). Let’s wait and see. Or hear. 🙂

Thanks for reading, and for listening.

Sweet Senhorina of the Sand

What a nice template from João! And Brian and Peter took this in a really joyful direction 🙂 Couldn’t resist to dance a little tango with my fretless bass on it. Recorded in the first take, thanks for a wonderful jam my friends! Hope you like my groundwork on this.

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Thanks for listening.

Bossa for a charmer

This is the same as the “chirping” bossa from two days ago – with an addtional very nice harp played by Thierry:

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Thanks for listening.

Alpine chalet

User “frankiejazz” on Wikiloops had uploaded a really nice track of some acoustic guitars and some percussion which sounds much like a cajon. And since he chose “Alpine chalet” as a title for his song, another user commented with a picture of such a castle:

There are two remixes I also really liked, and so I wasn’t sure on which I should play myself. I downloaded Franco’s template track first, and recorded myself over it:

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But since I liked these remixes as well, I also downloaded them, and tried the same bass on it. So here’s one with “Pit Brett” playing harp over Frankie’s original template, plus my same bass like before:

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And the second remix with keys worked as well:

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While uploading all this I discovered the next great track already. But that will be dealt with later.

Thanks for listening.

A bossa & chirping

That is Peter’s working title after he performed as a great whistler on a template from FrankieJ. And because I love bossa, and loved his whistling even more, I couldn’t resist to add some bass to it. It’s still not ready yet – another solo, or some vocals would make it more complete. But have a listen:

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Musicians (until now):

Thanks for listening.

Miles and miles of smiles

Played to Joe ‘Relativity’s cool track on Thursday. It isn’t ready, but I still couldn’t resist to add to it:

This track is embedded with the friendly permission by the creatives on wikiloops.com.


Thanks for listening. And if you’re a musician, consider to join us on Wikiloops, and add some solo or vocals to it.