Below the sphere

What a nice chillout song from Andri and from Wade – couldn’t resist to add my ‘grandma’ to it:

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As always, thanks to my friends and to Wikiloops for all the fun, and thanks to you for listening ๐Ÿ™‚

Chicken Thief

What a lovely song in a Jazz Manouche style from Frankie and from Thierry – couldn’t resist to add a little bottom end to it:

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As always, thanks to my friends and to Wikiloops for all the fun, and thanks to you for listening ๐Ÿ™‚

Oh, and for this one I used foam again, close to my instrument’s bridge:
Foam for a “Chicken Thief“, Mรถrfelden-Walldorf 2022

Thanks for viewing.

A Day In The Fall

I had this wonderful song from Sami, Shi, and Peatric on my computer since almost two years. And now I played a bit to it:

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As always, thanks to my friends over at the ‘loops for all the fun – and thanks to you for listening ๐Ÿ™‚

She is Here!

Fabulous track from Ms Snoop90, to which I just added a few low notes:

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As always, thanks to my friends and to Wikiloops for all the fun, and thanks to you for listening ๐Ÿ™‚

Poppy Sing Sang

Awesome song from Pat and from Ms Snoop, couldn’t resist to add a few low notes to it:

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As always, thanks to my friends from Wikiloops for all the fun, and thanks to you for listening ๐Ÿ™‚

Waking The Cat

This morning I set my new toy to the ‘FLIP TOP-Style’, which should make it sound like an Ampeg B-15N. Then I loaded Don’s and Rolf’s awesome ‘Waking The Cat’ song into my DAW, closed my eyes, and these guys transported me straight to Memphis, TN:

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Using FLIP TOP-Style, Mรถrfelden-Walldorf 2022

As always, thanks to my friends at Wikiloops for all the fun, and thanks to you for listening.

Bacon Phat

What a driving and hot rockin’ one from Al and from Mark – so I took my bass, and even my amp, and drove a virtual SVT slightly into saturation as well (I might want a pedal for that, really – maybe a Sansamp of some kind?):

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As always, thanks to my friends over at the ‘loops for all the fun, and thanks to you for listening ๐Ÿ™‚

Cornflower Fields

What a nice and dreamy track from Patrik this morning – couldn’t resist, just had to play along a little:

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Thanks to Patrik and to Wikiloops for all the fun, and thanks to you for listening ๐Ÿ™‚

Strutterdumpf (Acoustic Reggae)

Awesome Reggae template from Mr. Baer and from Rich, so I added my upright to their fabulous tracks:

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As always, thanks to my friends and to Wikiloops for all the fun, and thanks to you for listening (or adding something?) ๐Ÿ™‚

From my heart to yours

Awesome tune from Mike, Alex, and Peter – so I just had to dust off my upright, and play a bit:

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As always, thanks to my friends over at the ‘loops for all the fun, and thanks to you for listening ๐Ÿ™‚