That’s one of the best I’ve heard… I was trying to help a fellow bass player on Wikiloops, and when looking at the Noble site I found this video of Sean Hurley (one of the best current session players IMO) explaining his motives on how and why and for whom to play the bass. It’s killer, both his playing and his explanations:
So cool and so much more than just advertisement. The part I’ve meant is the one starting at about 4:40 and lasting to around 6:05 – but the rest and the sound are indeed a nice ad for Noble.
Like always, thanks for reading and for watching/listening. Oh, and btw, and about advertising: I don’t do that here, and I don’t (yet) play a Noble – these are also kind of expensive. Instead I’m using this one at the moment, and I’m happy with it… 🙂 You can hear it in my thread on Wikiloops to which I’ve linked above.