In case you have Netflix, this is a good tip (see Wikipedia and/or IMDB). I hadn’t heard the term ‘webtoon‘ before, but this seems to be the current big thing coming from Korea, and with this series based upon such a webtoon, that might explain its charm – it’s adorable. I totally agree with IMDB reviewer kgolmei who wrote that this is a “Must watch: A stress reliever!!!”. Even the music is awesome – here’s the 6-head girl group April with “Crazy”, one of the main themes of the show (together with a few pictures of it):
In case you prefer the lyrics, there’s another video with these.
Oh, and I always suggest watching shows like these in their original versions, with subtitles of your choice (I take English most of the time). That way, you get many more of the original expressions and feelings of the actors/actresses, most of which would be lost in translations.
Again, kgolmei is right: What a relief to see something this nice. And as always, thanks for reading/viewing/listening.