Enough is enough. The Mozilla Corporation has lost it, see here for instance.
Thankfully, there’s Librewolf. I had enabled its repository in Debian already, and had it installed both there and in Arch Linux – tho in the latter I recently had decided to get rid of all AUR packes and their yay helper tool, for Librewolf I now made an exception – so I reinstalled (cloned from git) yay, and using it, reinstalled librewolf-bin. I hope that the Arch package maintainers soon decide to make Librewolf (plus the precompiled -bin file) one of their supported packages, so that I won’t need the AUR (Arch User Repository) for that.
Now I wonder if soon I’ll have to do the same with Thunderbird, and replace that as well (with Betterbird for instance?). Sigh…
Update from Monday, 3rd of March 2025: see here as well…