I’ve read about Bill’s attempt to install and run DaVinci Resolve 18.5 beta on his Mint Linux machine which failed for the moment (not yet clear why). And although I’m not that much into video, I had also tried to install OBS Studio on my latest Arch partition, which also didn’t run (it had been complaining about some missing qt6 stuff or so, forgot). But I was curious – this Arch partition is kind of a testbed for me, and also a gaming environment for Zuleikha (using Steam), so I thought “Why not?” and found a script in Arch’s AUR (user repository) to install DaVinci Resolve 18.5 beta. Looks like this when it’s ready like on Bill’s MacBook Pro 13″:
So at the moment my installation with yay is building the package, 19% at the time I write this. Curious if this will run, I also have an AMD processor with built-in graphics, so let’s see… although this might be overkill for me, I’m still interested in that stuff. I’ll let you all know more…
Didn’t run as well. I think some URLs might have changed since this was scripted, so the program wasn’t found on Blackmagic’s site… I might try again later, but like I wrote, I’m not that much into video… for the moment, kdenlive and OBS Studio work very well for me (after installing qt6-wayland manually for the latter)…
Update 2:
After downloading DaVinci Resolve from Blackmagic’s site and installing it, I first got the same error message which Bill had. See here:

So I was about to give up, but the remembered that I had read something about the program and needed proprietary OpenCL and OpenGL drivers in the Arch Wiki. So using yay I installed both https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/amdgpu-pro-oglp and also https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/opencl-amd like this:
[wjl@handa-6-arch ~]$ yay -S amdgpu-pro-oglp opencl-amd
This downloaded a lot of .deb packages (funny that Debian has them), and installed them without errors. And bingo:

DaVinci Resolve 18.5 beta5 running on my system. Success!
Update 3: still didn’t have pictures, only the sound from the videos worked, and only the one directly from the camera, no m4v or mp4 or whatever other containers. So I deinstalled the whole shebang again, this *is* way too complex for me and my primitive needs. I’m no film maker, so using kdenlive and/or handbrake I have more than I need…
But like always, thanks for reading.