A thread over at talkbass.com asked about favourite vocalists. I gave three answers (#27, #59, and #229) so far, naming a few which came to my mind.
As you can probably guess in case you know me or read these pages since a while, my answers were almost all more or less not very mainstream. And one of my most favourite still living artists besides my friends from Wikiloops is Marie Boine. I first heard her on Jan Garbarek‘s album “Visible World” with a song they called “Evening Land” (Jan Garbarek, Mari Boine) – but she had that before, and named it “Goaskinviellja / Eagle Brother”. Here she performed it some 10 years ago in Oslo:
So totally not from this world, hm? And at the same time this Sami singing somehow reminds me of American Indians, so maybe we could call those Sami the European Indians?
Anyway – when Youn Sun Nah was once asked about influences, she not only named Tom Waits but also Mari Boine. Who is awesome.
As always, thanks for reading / viewing / listening.