A few photos on film

Got back my first film from the drugstore today, and I “scanned” some of those slides using my digital camera and a slide duplicator. So here are a few, all made with my Olympus OM-2n and its 50mm/1.4 lens, mostly around f/4 or thereabouts:


Mitchies flowers, film, 2016


X-Rite ColorChecker, film, 2016


Mitchie’s camera, film, 2016


Basti at work, film, Frankfurt 2016

I think the last one was taken with f/2.8, and at around 1/8th of a second hand-held, with no image stabilization. I mention this because I was comparing some different cameras, both digital and analog. But that’s a story for another article. Thanks to my colleague Basti who allowed me to show his pictures for this purpose.

The film I used here was Agfa Precisa CT100 colour slide film, already expired since a short time.

Thanks for viewing.