Bella’s excursions…

Bella’s excursions are getting longer…
Yesterday when I first let out our small white female #cat Bella, she was back after less than an hour, and ate a bit. Then I let her out again – only to wait for more than 6 hours until she was back.
Today it was a bit less than 3 hours only. I “filmed” her coming and going using both my desktop (self-built AMD 5700G with 32GB/6TB) and Mitchie’s really old laptop (Dual Core Celeron with 2/256GB) using motion with its default settings of 640×480 pixels and 15 frames/sec. Two machines, because in 2 of 3 times she comes back another way than she went (window vs door). And in between, a neighbours’ cat was looking for her; yesterday it has been all three of the male neighbours’ cats…
I hope she enjoys these last days of our indian summer, and – like every cat owner – I hope that she’s safe out there…
Thanks for watching.

See also on Mastodon

In German / Auf Deutsch: Lesenswert…

… ist der Artikel “Perle Europas” von Elena Wolf in der Stuttgarter Kontext: Wochenzeitung. Allein schon wegen des “Kasperletheaters”. Aber bitte trotzdem nicht ultra-rechts wählen. Nicht mal schwarz – die haben die ganze Misere ja erst verbrochen die “die Ampel” jetzt nicht mehr viel Zeit hat noch ausbaden zu müssen…

Und wie immer: danke für’s Lesen. Und die kontextwochenzeitung ist einen Bookmark wert, trotz des Stuttgarter Lokalkolorits. Immerhin werdet Ihr nicht von Trackern verfolgt…

The official Wikiloops “Member meeting 2024 report” is out

Richard, founder of Wikiloops and host of the 2024 members’ meeting just wrote his official report about the meeting which took place last month, and to which I also attended. Read, see, and hear all about it on Wikiloops. You can also watch the videos on Youtube, and/or see the photos in Diana’s gallery. Here are two of these photos:

Some of the attendees who were either late or had left the day before already had to be “‘shopped”, as they say, into the picture – you probably see it because of the very different lighting on some of the faces.

The videos have very different maximum resolutions sadly, from 480p to 1080p, and for my taste I’m a bit over-represented in the first one, the second one shows me playing a tune from a lead sheet which I hadn’t seen ever before, so excuse my uncertainty at some times (for instance on when the outro was about to start, couldn’t exactly read this). Oh, and before you ask: no; playing from lead sheet or from notation isn’t what’s representative of the “normal” jamming – but I’m always glad if people put up the chords to their songs anyway. And I love playing OliVBee‘s songs. And the ones from Moonchild of course 🙂

Anyway, enjoy, and like always, thanks for viewing and for reading.