Cookie with “Eiffel” preset, and from raw file

When I got up today, my chair at the computer desk was occupied already. So I let the guy sleep and took some photos of him with my phone, first a black & white “portrait” which I changed to the built-in “Eiffel” preset, and which looks like this:

Cookie with “Eiffel” preset from Google Pixel 4a phone camera, Mörfelden-Walldorf 2023

But I had set the phone’s camera to also save raw .dng files, so I took one of that format and converted it with RawTherapee 5.8 on Linux – looks like this:

Cookie from raw phone dng, Mörfelden-Walldorf 2023

Such photos have of course a much larger dynamic range in case you need that – but that takes some space as well… anyway, here you’ll have all the possibilities of your favourite raw converter(s) (I used nothing here, just a conversion without changing anything).

Just to compare, here’s a straight out of camera photo from my Olympus camera, with a Panasonic Leica 25mm/1.4 lens:

Cookie with my Olympus straight out of camera, Mörfelden-Walldorf 2023

Like always, thanks for reading, and for viewing.