My last blog post was about a solar race in Australia, where it’s spring right now. But here in the Northern hemisphere, we have autumn – and with it come the nicest colours, as always. While spring may trick your eye and brain because winter was all dull and grey, it’s in fact autumn which gives nature all these really unbelievable colours, especially on leaves:
Those reds are best if you see the foliage from the shadow side, after the sun shone through those leaves – you don’t see it in this picture, but look just around your place – it’s so nice.
Update: here’s another shot, this time against the light, and with the sun deliberately included into the frame. Please don’t try this with your DSLR, or if you do, please at least don’t look through your optical finder. This is something you can do with mirrorless, but not with optical finders:
Anyway, it shows these red leaves backlit now, to make my point from this morning/noon.
Thanks for viewing.