What do you do with your photos? Hang them onto walls, keep them in albums, have a few in your phones to show them around? And what do you photograph anyway, and why? Planning to sell some?
Well you can try, good luck. You can upload your photos to stock agencies if they’re good enough, but you’ll only make other people rich – not everyone is a Yuri Arcurs.
Almost 3 years ago I decided to “donate” some of my photos to the Wikimedia Foundation instead. Most if not all of my photos are CC-licensed anyway, so they’re usable on your own blogs, pages, in your articles, whatever. And tho it doesn’t bring in any money (I’m happy enough that I don’t have to monetize my hobby), some of my photos actually do get used, like the one of Mitchie’s sewing machine in an article about “Sewing machine” in the English Wikipedia.
Just uploaded this one as well:
Apfelstreusel – crumb cake with apples
It won’t win any prizes, not even on Wikimedia/Wikipedia. But maybe it’s of use to someone. And that’s still better than to be stored and forgotten on my own devices, isn’t it?
Update, from short after 4pm: just let Wikimedia check all my 3000+ photos via this tool – for which you need your Flickr ID of course (mine is 99713555@N00)
Thanks for reading.