What a nice Waltz!

“I always wanted to write a song that’s 3/4 time waltz so this is what I got”

…wrote Jasmine Thompson when she was about Zuleikha’s current age (13). So what she and some others also wrote was this:

According to Jasmine’s own words, she was inspired by H. C. Andersen‘s “Under the willow tree” when she wrote this.

What an amazing young artist…

Using film…

… so there’s nothing new to show at the moment. 😉

I loaded the last roll of ISO 200 colour negative film into my camera which we had in our bookshelf since a while. It expired some three and a half years ago, so it’s about time to use it.

Today I took 7 photos with that so far: two outside (of wife and kid), two in school (of Zuleikha and classmates making music), and three indoors of the cat, at f/4 and using one of my studio strobes.


P.S.: ok, here’s one. Almost two years ago already, and also made using (Agfa APX 100 b&w) film. A “selfie” in the mirror of one of the company’s lifts, later “scanned” from the negative using my E-M10 and the Zuiko 50mm/2 macro lens together with a “slide copier” (basically a long extension tube with a film holder in front of it):


Quite grainy for an ISO 100 film. But ok…

Thanks for viewing & reading.

Preparing the next (musical) collab

I just put one of Al’s (jonetsu; nominal6) latest pieces into my Ardour multitrack recording software – looks like this:

Screenshot from 2018-01-19 20-48-48 - the next collab

Al asked me to play some bass onto that, after I suggested more collaborations. I will link to the final version or embed it here when it’s done.

I love this at least as much as photography. And who knows, maybe we’ll put up some musical collection which could then be used again for videos or whatever? We’ll see.

Thanks for reading.

The non-word of 2017

And the “winner” goes to… “alternative facts” (which might be copyrighted by Kellyanne Conway, who knows).

See here (in German), here (in English), and here (in other news).

Let me use a short quote of the English Wikipedia article about something else related to truths:

“The phrase “alternative facts” was claimed to be similar to a phrase used in Trump’s 1987 book, Trump: The Art of the Deal.[23][24][25] In that book, “truthful hyperbole” was described as “an innocent form of exaggeration—and … a very effective form of promotion”.”

Sounds quite a bit Ferengi to me…

So much about (bad) joke figures for today; sorry about the rant.

Bravo, Anastasia!

Look at this article in the British Journal of Photography, which reports about young photographer Anastasia Taylor-Lind doing some portraits of dignity in the crimes committed against the Rohingya. Thanks also to Human Rights Watch, and Peter Bouckaert for publishing reports and photos like these.

Other than the pope, we can report about this. We can name their names, and accuse those responsible for it. So we have to. Again, thanks for your good work, Anastasia, BJP, HRW, and others.

R.I.P. Dolores

It’s with great sadness that we’ve heard about the passing of Cranberries’ singer Dolores O’Riordan during yesterdays news. Aged only 46, it was way too early for her, and Ireland has lost one of its greatest. Here’s her ‘Zombie’:

The fire and the fury? Wait…

Lately someone wrote a book with that title. It’s about a sad (and bad) joke figure playing a president of a whole nation. But “the fire and the fury” reminds me of the devil in Tom Waits’ “Way down in the hole” (which is where we should keep him). Listen:

Funny that “The Wire”, where this is played as the title melody, is the favourite TV series of some former president named Barack Obama…

“The Lord is a very very busy man…”

Thanks for listening.

Vanitas vanitatum

from here:

“Vanitas vanitatum, dixit Ecclesiastes ; vanitas vanitatum, et omnia vanitas.”

Thinking about photography, especially about portaiture, I came to the above finding. And starting this year, I had asked Mitchie to take my photograph while I was on the phone with my aunt Geno, exchanging best wishes for the new year:


I have taken one portrait so far:


So why do I quote that line from the bible above?

Because all photography, and especially portraiture, is vanity. Or is it? Definitely yes if you follow all those tips on improving your photography with the usual 10 simple tips and tricks, with using the liquify and other tools to create fake beauty, overriding and overruling even god who made us like we are, should we accept that or not.

From John Bunyan‘s English Wikipedia page about his “The Pilgrim’s Progress”:

“Just outside the Valley of the Shadow of Death he meets Faithful, also a former resident of the City of Destruction, who accompanies him to Vanity Fair, a place built by Beelzebub where every thing to a human’s tastes, delights, and lusts are sold daily, where both are arrested and detained because of their disdain for the wares and business of the Fair. Faithful is put on trial, and executed by burning at the stake as a martyr. A celestial chariot then takes Faithful to the Celestial City, martyrdom being a shortcut there. Hopeful, a resident of Vanity Fair, takes Faithful’s place to be Christian’s companion for the rest of the way.”

The German version (of Wikipedia) is much better:

“Christ und Getreu treffen wieder auf Evangelist, der zur Treue mahnt und vor dem Markt der Eitelkeiten warnt.
So kommen sie zum Markt der Eitelkeiten.
Die Teufel und DĂ€monen Beelzebub, Apollyon und Legion hatten diesen Markt in der Stadt Eitelkeit errichtet. Hier gibt es: HĂ€user, LĂ€ndereien, Gewerbe, Ämter, WĂŒrden, Beförderungen, Titel, LĂ€nder, Königreiche, Lustbarkeiten, VergnĂŒgungen und GenĂŒsse aller Art, wie Huren, Weiber, Ehefrauen, EhemĂ€nner, Kinder, Herren, Diener, Leben, Blut, Leiber, Seelen, Silber, Gold, Perlen, Edelsteine usw.; weiter: Jongleure, BetrĂŒger, Spieler, Narren, Affen, Schelme und Schurken aller Art zu besichtigen, kostenlos dazu: DiebstĂ€hle, Morde, Unzucht, Meineide, alles in Blutrot. Es gibt einen Aufruhr wegen der anderen Kleidung der Pilger und deren anderer Sprache, der Sprache Kanaans.
Die Pilger kommen vor Gericht, werden verhört, geschlagen, mit Dreck beschmiert, und in einem KÀfig zur Schau gestellt.
Vor Gericht werden sie angeklagt von Richter Hassgut; die Anklage lautet: Störung des Handels, Aufruhr und Streit, Missachtung der Gesetze, Verleitung anderer zu höchst gefÀhrlichen Anschauungen.
Anklagezeugen sind: Neid, Aberglaube und Schmeichler.
Schmeichler klagt an: Die Pilger haben FĂŒrst Beelzebub beschimpft, und verĂ€chtlich von seinen Freunden gesprochen, nĂ€mlich Herrn Alter Mensch, Fleischeslust, Üppig, Ruhmsucht, Unzucht, Geizhals usw.
Getreu sagt dagegen: Der FĂŒrst dieser Stadt und alle seine AnhĂ€nger gehören in die Hölle. Geschworene beim Gericht sind: Blindmann, Übelgesinnt, Boshaft, LĂŒstling, SchlĂŒpfrig, Hitzkopf, Hochmut, Feindselig, LĂŒgner, Grausam, Finsterling und Unversöhnlich. Getreu wird zum Tod verurteilt.

Getreus Martyrium
Getreu wird grausam gequĂ€lt und hingerichtet, aber mit einem Wagen unter Posaunenschall durch die Wolken auf schnellstem Wege zum Himmelstor gebracht. Christ muss im GefĂ€ngnis bleiben, entkommt aber nach einer Weile daraus.”

Gemeinfrei, Link

Retranslated in to English by Google’s translate, this makes:

“Christian and faithful again meet the evangelist, who warns to be faithful and warns against the market of vanities.
So they come to the market of vanities.
The devils and demons Beelzebub, Apollyon and Legion had built this market in the city vanity. Here there are: houses, lands, trades, offices, dignities, promotions, titles, lands, kingdoms, pleasures, pleasures and pleasures of all kinds, such as whores, wives, wives, husbands, children, lords, servants, lives, blood, bodies , Souls, silver, gold, pearls, gemstones, etc .; Further: Jugglers, cheaters, players, fools, monkeys, rogues and villains of all kinds to visit, free of charge: Thefts, murders, fornication, perjury, all in blood red. There is a rebellion because of the other clothing of the pilgrims and their other language, the language of Canaan.
The pilgrims come to court, are interrogated, beaten, smeared with filth, and showcased in a cage.
In court they are charged by Judge Hassgut; the charge is: disturbance of trade, turmoil and strife, disregard of laws, enticement of others to highly dangerous views.
Charges are: envy, superstition and flatterer.
Flatterer accuses: The pilgrims have insulted Prince Beelzebub, and spoken contemptuously of his friends, namely Mr. old man, lust for meat, luscious, gluttony, fornication, miser, etc.
Faithful, on the other hand, says: The prince of this city and all its followers belong in hell. Jurors in the court are: Blind man, Evil-minded, Mischievous, Lustful, Slippery, Hothead, Arrogance, Hostile, Liar, Cruel, Sinister and unforgiving. Faithful is sentenced to death.

Getreus Martyrdom
Faithfully, cruelty is cruelly tortured and executed, but with a cart, accompanied by a trumpet sound, it is brought through the clouds on the quickest way to the Himmelstor. Christ has to stay in prison, but escapes from it after a while.”

No, I won’t write a philosophical discourse about vanity in portraiture – you’d have to possibly go back through the whole history of mankind to even start thinking about it. But how to avoid it? Maybe by starting with not posing your subjects?

There could be a problem even with an attempt like that, and it was described so nicely in a famous movie ending:

The problem with vanity, after all, is that while you probably think you’re better than that – that thought is very vain by itself. As is my Latin headline for this post. Just like the devil says: “Aaahh, vanity – my favourite of all sins!”

Thanks for reading.