
“Your daily dose of horror”. Or so I thought after more or less “innocently” clicking on a video link to the intenet’s biggest video site to watch Nat King Cole’s “Calypso Blues“. And no, I’m not using a login on that site, and my browser also doesn’t save any cookies from it – but on the right hand side, in their “suggestions” about what to watch next, I saw several video links which point to the extreme far right party here in Germany (won’t even name them), or to “reports” about them from some self-centered “influencers” or “mentors”.

Enough of that; really. Enough of automatically tracking my IP address coming from Germany and suggesting such far right crap. Oh, and have you tried using their main page without being logged in? You won’t see much, and if you do, you’ll see what’s “trending” – which makes you shake your head about mankind, really. Try it via some 3rd party site to save you from your own filter bubble, and which at least covers where you’re coming from… that is what I’d call “Yddoh”.

So at the moment I’m really considering to boycott that site once and for all – with deleting all of my own stuff there first of course. And to do that, I’d have to log in one last time.

And yes, it really would be the last time, since I don’t log in into anything Google or Apple even when using my mobile phone – I have something far better than their clouds, and I also can do without their “app stores”, thank you very much. I’m using Flickr far less since I unsubscribed from their paid “Pro” service, and opened an account in the Fediverse instead – not much to see there yet, but who knows? And maybe I should do the same with video – I’m not a big “content creator” in that art form anyway. So in case I will delete everything from that big video site, this will also be the end of my accounts with Google – deleted the Apple one right after I had to give back the iPhone SE to my last employer.

And for now, back to more pleasant things. And thanks for reading, as always.

Bella’s excursions…

Bella’s excursions are getting longer…
Yesterday when I first let out our small white female #cat Bella, she was back after less than an hour, and ate a bit. Then I let her out again – only to wait for more than 6 hours until she was back.
Today it was a bit less than 3 hours only. I “filmed” her coming and going using both my desktop (self-built AMD 5700G with 32GB/6TB) and Mitchie’s really old laptop (Dual Core Celeron with 2/256GB) using motion with its default settings of 640×480 pixels and 15 frames/sec. Two machines, because in 2 of 3 times she comes back another way than she went (window vs door). And in between, a neighbours’ cat was looking for her; yesterday it has been all three of the male neighbours’ cats…
I hope she enjoys these last days of our indian summer, and – like every cat owner – I hope that she’s safe out there…
Thanks for watching.

See also on Mastodon

Nothing to Hide

If you’re reading this blog regularly, you might have asked yourselves why all the thoughts about security, privacy, freedom, and so on lately? And you might be one of those who say “I have nothing to hide”. Well…

This one is a must see. It helps if you understand English, French, and German at least a bit, but even if you don’t, watch it to the end:

This comes from the PeerTube, and it promotes those free and decentralised services, and for good reason as you will hear. So please do yourself and us all a favour and stop using Facebook, Whatsapp, and all of that – and replace it with something like Signal or even better, XMPP. We will all profit from it.

Oh, and in case you have an old Android phone which isn’t supported with regular updates anymore, try DivestOS. And if you have a new one from Google, try GrapheneOS (or else, DivestOS again). Sure you can’t live without that intrusive Play Store? Have a look at F-Droid instead. Or are you using Apple instead? Maybe think again… and please start encrypting. You can at least do that even if you stay with a standard Google or Samsung or Apple device.

As always, thanks for reading, and for viewing.

Playing around with “Grainy Film II”

Not too long ago I took a photo with using the “grainy film 2” filter of my Olympus camera, directly in-camera, pre-“shot”. And I thought that it didn’t look too bad, so today I played around with a photo of myself which my former colleague Gunther took of me after I had set up lights to take/make portraits of some of these colleagues. So I re-“developed” the photo from the raw image using that filter, and afterwards I adjusted both the luminance and the contrast a bit, “to taste” as they say. And here’s the result of that photo from July 24th, 2018:

Wolfgang, Frankfurt 2018

Thanks Gunther for taking my photo, thanks to the Fediverse for storing it ( on the small server where you can find me @wjl@cupoftea.social ) – and as always, thanks for reading and for viewing.