First snow for 2021

We’ve had a bit of snow last fall, and I’ve written about that, but for this winter we now had the first one… just took a photo with +0.7 exposure to keep whites white, then adjusted the white balance in Gimp, and cropped it to 800×600 pixels so I could send it with mail. Now I also uploaded it to Flickr, from where I show it here again as usual:
First snow for 2021, Mörfelden Walldorf 2021

Also on Flickr, but from yesterday short before my lunch break: a photo of Tuna on the heated floor (and carpet):

Nothing better than a heated floor, Mörfelden-Walldorf 2021

Oh, and since I don’t have an own nice snow song, here’s one from “Südwestlicht”, from 2013, made entirely with Linux:

As always, thanks for viewing, reading, watching, and listening. Be well, and keep warm everyone… 🙂